Hi everybody, I am writing here to present this project related to a CloudFlare WARP GUI
https://github.com/robang74/cloudflare-warp-gui-linux In this stage of development, bug hunters are welcome. Because this software might not work as expected on different distributions and WM or X-server-class graphical support. Please, focus on the WARP connections part because the Zero Trust Team part is not yet tested but straightforward inherited from the original project. I wish to stabilize and generalize the software before enlarging its development with ZT. Here an example of something that may go wrong https://raw.githubusercontent.com/robang74/cloudflare-warp-gui-linux/main/tests/may-freeze-session.py Please read the header. This Python script is able to freeze the graphical session on an updated Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS system (few configurations just tested, BTW). I have no clue if this can also happen on Debian systems. I discovered this DoS today. Best regards, R-