On Thu, 2024-05-02 at 20:47 +0200, Dominik George wrote:
> > t's just another tool that might or might not be non-free like people
> > using Photoshop, Google Chrome, Gmail, Windows, ... to make
> > contributions. Or a spamfilter to filter out some.
> That's entirely not the point.
> It is not about **the tool** being non-free, but the result of its use being
> non-free.
> Generative AI tools **produce** derivatives of other people's copyrighted
> works.
They *can* do that, but so can humans (and will). Humans look at a
product or code and write new code that sometimes resembles the
original very much.
The claim "everything a generative AI tool outputs is a derivative
work" would be rather bold.
> That said, we already have the necessary policies in place:
> * d/copyright must be accurate
> * all sources must be reproducible from their preferred form of modification
> Both are not possible using generative AI.
They are, just as they are for human results. The preferred form of
modification can be based on the output from a generative AI,
especially if it is further edited.
But this is not something new: a camera or microphone records data, but
we use the captured data (and not the original source) as the preferred
form of modification. Sometimes even after generous preprocessing by
(non-free) firmware.
(We don't include human neural network data as part of the preferred
form of modification either ;-))