Hi Gauthier,

An Operating System is a software collection wich includs kerenel and every other thing that works directly with it. In Debian case, the Operating system is GNU and since GNU is a multi-kernel OS, the main Debian uses Linux as the kernel. That's why it's officially called "Debian GNU/Linux".

You can find the source code of them in the coressponding websites of the upstream projects. You can also download their source code along with every other piece of software that makes Debian in https://sources.debian.org <https://sources.debian.org/>

Danial Behzadi

در چهارشنبه, آوریل 24 2024 at ۰۷:۱۲:۵۹ +00:00:00, Gauthier Kidjat Kwatatshey <g.kidjatkwatats...@reply.com> نوشته بود:
I mean the source code files of the OS

Could you please help ?

*Best Regards,*

*Gauthier Kwatatshey *

 Gauthier Kidjat Kwatatshey

Storm Reply
Ul. Wroclawska 54
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phone: +48 32 74568-00
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*From:*Hanno 'Rince' Wagner <wag...@debian.org>
*Date:*Wednesday, 24 April 2024 at 08:31
*To:*Gauthier Kidjat Kwatatshey <g.kidjatkwatats...@reply.com>
*Cc:*debian-project@lists.debian.org <debian-project@lists.debian.org>, listmas...@lists.debian.org <listmas...@lists.debian.org>
*Subject:*Re: Debian [source code]

Hi Gauthier,

 On Tue, 23 Apr 2024, Gauthier Kidjat Kwatatshey wrote:

> I'm contacting you because we need your help or recommendations on how to download the full source code for Debian <<https://bugs.debian.org/lists.debian.org>>

 what exactly do you want to download? all our packages are available
 as sourcecode in the archives.

 best regards, Hanno Wagner, Listmaster of the day
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 "HTML-Programmierer" == "Grafiker"              (Kristian Koehntopp)

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