On Fri, Dec 29, 2023 at 02:18:41PM -0600, Steven Robbins wrote: > Antonio Russo wrote: > > > As someone who would like to participate more in the development of Debian, > > my personal experience is that making contributions is like dropping a > > message in a bottle into the sea. It feels like a complete crap-shot > > whether I'll even receive a comment on any code contribution (including > > debian-devel RFS, salsa MR, or BTS patch). > > For salsa and BTS, one reason for lack of reply can be that the maintainer is > never notified. I get surprised sometimes that salsa has merge requests > waiting for me. I suspect that either the email notification is broken or > off > by default and I never saw instructions to enable it. It is off by default unless that was changed recently-ish.
> In the case of the BTS: it used to email me but that broke a couple years ago > and apparently it is hard to fix. So currently a class of us don't get email > from any bug reports. What is that class?