Hi Project

Thanks to those who took the time to respond to the 2023 survey so far. To be 
honest the numbers are pretty low, so we have decided to extend to 15 January 

We got 1,479 responses to the 2016 edition. No data was leaked and we produced 
a beautiful report in 2021 about the survey results, available here: 

In the past few weeks someone reached out off-list saying they appreciated the 
2016 survey, had taken the new one, and were looking forward to seeing what 
emerged from the comparison. If we don't get a sufficient number of answers now 
all the work we put into the 2021 report, and into this new follow-up survey 
will be wasted, and our correspondent will be sorely disappointed. You don't 
want that to happen, do you!?  ;-)

So here is the link again: 2023 Debian Project survey: Sustainability




PS. Reposting below FYI

A-Response to Joerg Jaspert re privacy breach concerns

B-Original survey description

A-Response to Joerg Jaspert re privacy breach concerns

>Hi Joerg

>We're not claiming that we (= the researchers) will not be able to deanonymize 
>people, that's an unattainable standard with this survey.
>The kind of privacy we are promising is the same you would got from a set of 
>1-1 interviews with ethnographers: we will not circulate the information 
>further (including in resulting publications) in a non-aggregated manner.
>In addition as we said the researchers involved in Debian will not have access 
>to any data that could identify respondents.
>Ultimately a participant either trusts the researchers involved with the 
>information given to them to read them, or doesn't. If they don't, they should 
>not answer the survey or maybe answer by not providing any information they 
>don't trust the researchers with.

B-Original survey description

The follow-up 2023 Debian Project survey: Sustainability is now open!


We (researchers Mathieu O’Neil, Sebastien Broca, Xiaolan Cai, Angela Daly, 
Molly de Blanc, Cecilia Rikap, Sebastien Shulz and Stefano Zacchiroli) created 
this new survey, for three reasons.

1-We want to track the project’s evolution since 2016: what has changed, what 
remains the same when it comes to roles, contributor characteristics and the 
presence of paid work in the project.

2-We want to focus on the economic sustainability of Debian and FOSS, in the 
context of threats to openness posed by new mechanisms such as Software as a 
Service and potential threats to sustainability such as ‘free riding’. What 
should happen so that FOSS projects continue to be maintained appropriately?

3-We are interested to find out what the community thinks about the 
environmental impacts of FOSS development, and possible ways to reduce these 

We want to hear from as many Debian contributors as possible—whether you've 
submitted a bug report, attended a DebConf, reviewed translations, maintained 
packages, participated in Debian teams, or are a Debian Developer. Completing 
the survey should take 10-20 minutes, depending on your current involvement 
with the project.

About the survey:

We are using LimeSurvey, an online survey platform developed with free and open 
source code.

Survey responses are anonymous, IP and HTTP information are not logged, and all 
questions are optional. As it is still likely possible to determine who a 
respondent is based on their answers, results will only be distributed in 
aggregate form, in a way that does not allow de-anonymisation.

The results of the survey will be analyzed as part of ongoing research work by 
the organizers. A report discussing the results will be published under a 
DFSG-free license and distributed to the Debian community as soon as it's ready.

The raw, disaggregated answers will not be distributed and will be kept under 
the responsibility of the organizers.

We hope you will fill out the Debian Contributor Survey.


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