On Mon, Oct 23, 2023 at 07:24:06PM +0200, Giovanni Guarino wrote:
> Dear Sirs,
> First of all thank you for your big work to continue to support debian.
> I have installed version 12 and I want to inform you that the Shared
> Clipboard and Drag & Drop doesn't work.
> With lsmod i saw vboxguest perfectly installed but doesn't work
> Thank you very much
> Giovanni Guarino

Good evening Giovanni,

This is probably a question better suited to the debian user mailing list
than the main Project mailing list - maybe follow up there.

Is it possible that you are using Wayland rather than X?
If it does not work under one, try the other if available to you.

Which desktop environment do you have installed?

Debian itself no longer packages virtualbox in stable releases because
of concerns about security update policies: you might be better to ask
Oracle themselves, perhaps.


With every good wish, as ever,

Andy Cater


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