On Tue, Aug 29, 2023 at 06:19:09AM +0200, Thabo Mokhutsoane wrote:
> Hi,
> I have debian 8 installed,  and I want to know if you have upgrade services
> .

To get a rough idea, here [0] is a description on how to upgrade to

But... STOP FIRST. You say you have Debian 8, which is Jessie. This is
a very old release (see here [1]). Jumping releases is not supported in
the upgrade process, so you would have to proceed step by step:

  Jessie -> Stretch (aka 9)
  Stretch -> Buster (aka 10)
  Buster -> Bullseye (aka 11)
  Bullseye -> Bookworm (aka 12), the current stable.

The basic process for each step, as described in [0] is:

 - first bring your current release up to its newest state
 - then change the source lines in /etc/apt/sources.list
 - do the upgrade

then repeat. For the older releases (Jessie, Stretch, I'm not quite sure
about Buster), you will have to adapt your sources.list lines to point to
archives.debian.org [3] instead of your usual source.

This is a very high level description, you'll want to come back here for
more details.

It's a bit of work, and you have to proceed carefully but perfectiy doable
(I've done the Jessie...Bullseye transition remotely on a colocated host).

Plan some time for it.


[0] https://wiki.debian.org/DebianUpgrade
[1] https://www.debian.org/releases/
[3] https://www.debian.org/distrib/archive


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