Hi Satvik,
Am 05.04.23 um 19:46 schrieb Satvik Sinha:
Hello respected Debian Developers
This is to bring to your kind concern that when I am running Debian 11
and now 12 on VMWARE an unexpected issue is occurring. The issue is
that when I turn on debian system on vmware ,it work fine for few
minutes but when I leave it on standby ,one returning back the system
totally hangs like the activities and other button are clickable but
nothing is showing up at all like system stops responding and it is
happening literally everytime I open up and application . Here are the
details of VM I created
Name: Debian
HDD Size:60 GB
No of processors:2
No of cores per processor:2
Network Adapter:NAT
The issue started after Debian 11 release and till now on Debian 12
also the issue has persisted, I request you to kindly look into this
Sorry, but this list is not the best place for your question.
As far as VMWare is concerned, probably the provider of that software is
a good contact.
As far as Debian is concerned please have a look at
maybe one of the places mentioned there can be of some help, maybe irc
or a forum?
(To the content of your issues: For anyone you contact it would probably
needed to know which desktop environment you use).