On Mon, 27 Feb 2023 at 07:16, Russ Allbery <r...@debian.org> wrote: > > "Roberto A. Foglietta" <roberto.foglie...@gmail.com> writes: > > > - fair use cannot include {business, commercial, marketing} rights in > > anyway and in any conditions > > This is definitely not true in the United States; there is a Supreme Court > decision saying the exact opposite. The ruling in Google v. Oracle said > Google's commercial and business use of Oracle's copyrighted APIs met the > test for fair use.
It is true despite a single US case judgment. In the USA there is the habit to use precedent judgments to influence others judgment but this applies only if there is a significant analogy between the two cases and even if there is a very significant analogy the judge can produce an opposite ruling for that case. Google lost two trials against Oracle apparently because judges are not able to distinguish between the API and the code that runs behind the API. Thus they faced the Supreme Court. This despite the fact that API is unlikely to be a work that could be protected by copyright except in very rare cases. Microsoft deposited a memorandum at the Supreme Court asking them to rule in favour of Google. Both these facts are in favour of the opinion that I have explained: 1. API might or might not be protected, 2. copyright applies in case of doubts. Microsoft used their capability to persuade Oracle in favor of Google. Thus the parties agreed that Google - when creating libraries with the Oracle's API - did a fair use of their declaration. After all, if you cannot include the headers then you cannot also call the original functions. The fair use in that agreement was an escamotage to avoid the Supreme Court would have issued a ruling that would be a disaster in any case AND for both parties to save the honor. CONCLUDING No court ruling was ever emitted in favour of Google vs Oracle leveraging fair use but it was an agreement between the two parties supported by Microsoft. https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2021/04/how-the-supreme-court-saved-the-software-industry-from-api-copyrights/ As you can learn from the Ars Technica's article linked here above. > You can't reconstruct the law from first principles without looking at the > actual test that is applied by courts. (And as mentioned this may be > different in different jurisdictions, for additional complexity.) I can reconstruct the interpretation of a law from basic principles otherwise it would not be a law but something that appeared from nothing: no any law roots, no any law authority. Like every three, a law is stronger when it has ancient and well developed roots. Thus, a law interpretation based on reconstructing it from its principle is the most significant, the most important and the most persuasive way of doing such a task. > In the > US there's a four-part balancing test for fair use, and the analysis can > be quite complicated. The U.S. law interpretation is not the source of the truth. Moreover, it does not matter how fair use is defined in many different legislations around the world. By copyright principle, it cannot allow doing activities like {business, commercial, marketing} without the consent of the author or of the license. The "fair use" is a false friend and ignoring it is the best choice. CONCLUSION If the question "what is X?" does not work well, then try the opposite "what is not X?" - It is not important to define "fair use" as long as we can certainly define what does NOT cover the blurry fair use definition. After all, we were interested since the beginning on "what is not fair use" thus asking the right question is half of the work done. @Russ: please write to me in private if you need more clarification. At this point anything further has very little to do with the community needs. Best regards, R-