On Sun, Nov 20, 2022 at 08:54:14PM +0000, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:
> I suspect there is also a slight difference of understanding of the merits of 
> free speech on either
> side of the Atlantic: it's a cultural thing and I suspect I tend to the 
> European side here :)
Thank you for acknowledging this.  One of the things that frustrates me
tremendously is when we pretend to be neutral and unbiased (both things
which are mere illusions, and often strong self-delusions at that) and
then go around forcing some view, belief, or idea on others without any
regard for validity of the views, beliefs, or ideas that must
necessarily be displaced for those upon whom the new views, ideas, or
beliefs are being imposed.

If we could simply drop the pretense and honestly state "I am/we are
advocating for such and such and I/we fully acknowledge that such and
such is superior to whatever it must displace in your own worldview
because (insert reasons)", then I would find that much more forthright
than what we go around doing now.



Roberto C. Sánchez

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