
Here are things I think the RT style composition has going for it.

[... long list of praise for the RT ...]


I agree that the RT has a long list of pros for this role. However, I feel this discussing is overlooking one vital detail. Namely that the RT is a thankless job of endless work caused by 1000 developers having their own priorities.

This mail thread is now suggesting that the release team should have one more task on top of that that is not at the RT's *core* role (namely getting a stable release out the door).

For people that feel that the RT should coordinate this, then in practice I think that comes with the obligation to volunteer into the RT and perform the work.

Additionally, as an x-RT member that was present when release goals was axed. One of the reasons, why I supported axing release goals was that it was a lot of coordination and tracking on the RT side while the people proposing the goals often went "Sounds like you got this now, kthxbye" one the goal was accepted.

Obviously, there are some differences between this proposal and the old release goals - but at the end of the day, I still feel this is dropping a lot of extra work on the RT so people can use them as meatshields in their debate. To me that is an excellent way of burning out the Release Team and therefore I advice against it.

  In contrast, the TC:

Also, the TC is a conflict resolution body. If they are part of managing these goals people might feel they are partial to the goal and not a neutral party making them less inclined to trust the TC making an unbiased ruling when one of the projects are in scope of a conflict.


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