Hi Joost (2022.09.30_08:41:37_+0000)
> > I could do it for you, but I assumed that you'd want one of your team
> > members to own the records, rather than having me own them...
> > 
> > That's why I suggested that you (presumably jathan) do it.
> I (DD) offered Dashamir my help.  I told him I'd recruit another DD to act as 
> a
> backup for me.  Would you be interested in acting as that other DD?  (jathan
> has left debian-academy project.)

Sorry, I'm not looking to get involved in the academy project. My
involvement was spinning up the VM for the debian.net team.

You (Debian Academy) really do need to find Debian Developers to be part
of your team. The debian.net team rules state that the infrastructure is
for Debian Developers, not the broader community. We're spending Debian
money on this infra, and that's where we drew the line.


Stefano Rivera
  +1 415 683 3272

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