Hello Debian Project and CD-Team, I have been started to look into live system generation (live-build), Be honest, I have never been used a Debian Live CD. Few days/weeks back I looked into the live CD which are provided by Debian (live-wrapper).
I also think, it is very important to provide live-systems also for the next releases. I have been looked into: * debian-live-11.4.0-amd64-standard.iso (1,1G / 800 packages) * debian-live-11.4.0-amd64-xfce.iso (2,5G / 2270 packages) * debian-live-11.4.0-amd64-gnome.iso (2,7G / 2572 packages) I'm wondering if we should refine those images. Maybe the Debian Project and the users can benefit from it. One of the live images is called "standard". What does standard means? What can the user do with the "standard" image? I looked into xfce and gnome. The gnome image also includes few games, evolution and thunderbird. xfce doesn't have a mailclient at all. I think one person at the BoF said, it's not necessary to build a image for every desktop manager. Personally, I agree. I asked myself: * Who will use the live system? * Why will somebody use the live system? * When should we provide a Debian Pure Blend? Who will use the live system? Everybody! Why will somebody use the live system? Everything! It may helpful we the project defines some images with a scope. Maybe something like this,.. # Rescue Disk Image An image for a live system to rescues a broken system. It may have a set of useful tool, but may not have a X-Server. Powerful editor, maybe also gnu compilers and manpages and screen / tmux. This is not just a 'small' Rescue Disk Image this will be a real powerful Debian system (without X). # Calamares-Installer Live System to provide the Calamares-Installer. The live system can be used to install Debian with Calamares. (I haven't used it - I can not give much feedback, yet) # Debian Desktop / Office Debian Desktop / Office Live System could be used to try Debian on a personal PC at home or as system at office. Also Debian Junior could be a live system for kids. We need to provide a set of applications the users may need. E.g. like a E-Mail client, office suite, browser, Jabber Client,... The use case is: "Let's try Debian and see what it is". The result: "It's awesome!" To achieve this result, we need to have a good set of pre-installed applications. Now, pure blends come in. I think the goal of the pure blends is exactly what we need for Desktop / Office / Junior / Med / ... The 'experts' (blends team) knows which packages are required / helpful / working. One idea would be to provide packages like debian-{desktop,office,med,junior}-live-system Those packages will include a well defined structure to build the live-system images via live-build. Let's say we are using the pure blends framework to provide meta-packages for those live-systems. We may define a meta-package like: {desktop,office,med,junior}-base-system Those meta-package will include all important packages for the pure blend project. If the user will install this package or the live-system will use this package, we will have a good set of packages for the project (blend system). I think it would be also nice to use it for the Debian Installer see #851555. I'm not sure if a "hierarchical" tasksel is mandatory for the first step. Divide et impera. I think it would be nice to have something like below - where we can reuse the -base-system meta-packages: Pure Blends [ ] Debian Desktop - desktop-base-system [ ] Debian Office - office-base-system [ ] Debian Junior - junior-base-system [ ] Debian Med - med-base-system We may install for those blends quite the same as we would use in the live CD. The user is able to install more blend packages, if necessary. We will not confuse the users. If the users tries a live-system and later will install the pure blend, they will get the same environment. On the other side, Debian Project knows every well what has been offered to the user and knows the live-system and the debian-installer will use the same packages. Personally, I think it would be much better to provide "soon" the possible to access to the pure blends, instead to "wait" a long time until we are able to find a nice solution for a hierarchical selection. Sure, if somebody is able to provide a solution, it's fine. We should also work on a README.html / pdf file as a first "Welcome" and guide new users where they can get more help. Links to pre-installed documentation, Debian Wiki pages, Debian Local Groups. I have created a small example of a Debian Desktop live system. https://salsa.debian.org/StefanKropp/debian-desktop-live-system/ The packages are split in different files: https://salsa.debian.org/StefanKropp/debian-desktop-live-system/-/tree/main/config/package-lists Those files can be used to define the meta-packages. Very important is to provide a "Welcome" file on users desktop: https://salsa.debian.org/StefanKropp/debian-desktop-live-system/-/tree/main/config/includes.chroot_after_packages/home/user/Desktop -- Stefan