
On Sun, Apr 17, 2022 at 9:17 AM phil995511 - <phil995...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You know Marc, if you respond badly to people for a reason that is yours, 
> don't be surprised if they show their displeasure in one way or another.
> My post is trying to bring your attention to a major issue, nothing more, if 
> you're too tired take a vacation, but respect my request and make sure to fix 
> issues of Chromium on Debian Stable updates that aren't sufficient as it is.
> I've never been told the remark you echo, and anyway I don't have problems, 
> it's Chromium in its state in the Stable branch which will potentially pose a 
> very big security problem for all those who use it.
> My style is that of google translate...He is as he is...
> Your patches come out 1/2 month too late in Debian Stable, it makes your work 
> in Debian Stable useless and I doubt you have many users using a Debian 
> Experimental based distribution... Now if you don't want to questioning 
> yourself and your volunteer working group to bring more security to Debian 
> Stable and its users, you are unwittingly scuttling the entire Debian project 
> and pushing people to switch to, for example, ArchLinux.
> I would have tried to make you aware of it, I will not do it again x times, I 
> will simply migrate to another OS if you remain in this situation or the apps 
> such as Chromium are not seriously updated enough, which I do not don't find 
> it satisfactory, like a lot of other Linux users. Afterwards, if you need 
> help to do the job, you have to ask for it instead and always try to do 
> better rather than leave things as they are...
> Regards.
> Le dim. 17 avr. 2022 à 14:13, Martin Steigerwald <mar...@lichtvoll.de> a 
> écrit :
>> phil995511 - - 17.04.22, 13:18:25 CEST:
>> > > Replying off-list.
>> I replied off list for a reason.
>> *sigh*
>> --
>> Martin

Updates for the stable branch are updated after the point release and for
security updates there are security.debian.org and bullseye-security. And
you can subscribe to the list if you want from debian-security.
In the case of Chromium, it is up to date with security updates and there is
no reason for its protests.

Leandro Cunha
Software Engineer and Debian Contributor

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