Quoting Agata Erminia Pennisi (2021-08-06 23:56:10)
> *Red pill r*efers to (becoming enlightened to) the truth about 
> reality, especially a truth that is difficult to accept or exposes 
> disillusions.

Funny you should emphasize redpill in the context of how to make a 
living off of Free software, because it is at the heart of my work.

My use of the term is summarized here¹:

In my use, a "Redpill" is a standardized way of sharing ICT resources 
across multiple organisations, without the need for sharing secrets 
(access codes or content).

It grew from my strong interest in long-term sustainability of my work.  
When at the beginning working independently I mostly did tuning of 
desktop/laptop systems, I realized that it became quite repetitive for 
me, without being easy to codify the steps I made.  I noticed the same 
when moving to maintaining servers and networks, and wanted to try 
standardize some of the structures, in a modular way to still serve each 
client uniquely yet do so with reusable components.

My first steady client paying me a monthly subscription fee (established 
after 1-2 years of charging by the hour) was a small business 
university, but also a related business consultancy firm and a small 
team of volunteer activism consultants in their backyard.  I developed a 
computer setup for them all, called "Homebase", and slowly generalized 
that into something reusable for other groups of organizations - called 

Now, 25 years later, Homebase still exists (see the dusty documentation 
at https://support.homebase.dk/ and a newer draft at 
https://docs.homebase.dk/ ) but the business university recently decided 
to switch to a Microsoft solution so its future is uncertain.

One other experimental Redpill exists, consisting of my own network also 
used by my life partner in her business as a graphics designer using 
purely Free software, a server run by another Debian developer and 
friend of mine, and another friend of mine in couple of his projects on 
ICT education and eco activism in Germany.

My hope is to introduce redpill as packages in Debian, but I am not 
quite there yet.  If anyone wants to help, please to get in touch :-)

Kind regards,

 - Jonas

¹ I reference an archive.org snapshot both because that main web page 
(which is also what you would be redirected to if you went to 
https://redpill.dk/ ) is not currently online, and because it might 
interest you for how long that web page has existed.

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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