On 2021-07-26 17 h 55, Laura Arjona Reina wrote:
> Hi
> El 26/7/21 a las 23:04, Louis-Philippe Véronneau escribió:
>> On 2021-07-26 01 h 50, Alexander Wirt wrote:
>>> On Sun, Jul 25, 2021 at 07:59:26PM +0200, Geert Stappers wrote:
>>>> On Sun, Jul 25, 2021 at 06:19:37PM +0200, Pierre-Elliott Bécue wrote:
>>>>> Donald Norwood <don...@debian.org> writes:
>>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>>> Debian and GitLab have been in discussion regarding an Open Source
>>>>>> Partnership toward which we will jointly produce mutual promotions,
>>>>>> shared stories, and announcements using both organizations press and/or
>>>>>> publicity channels.
>>>>       ...
>>>>> Out of the blue, without any more context and content,
>>>> ???
>>>> "Debian" and "Gitlab" are speaking with each other
>>>> since the very start of "Salsa".
>>>>> I am not sure to be happy with this news.
>>>> To me is the news  that "press" and "marketing" are more involved.
>>>> Because I assume good faith, I allow meself to focus on other stuff
>>>> in (Debian) life.
>>>>> To me, such a partnership is something quite stronger than sponsorship
>>>>> and I'd be a bit ill-at-ease with it being done without the whole Debian
>>>>> Members being consulted.
>>>> Yes, a DD is allowed to represent the project.
>>>>> Last but not least, what kind of data would be shared regarding how we
>>>>> use gitlab in Debian?
>>>> Please give the (humble) Salsa admins time to elaborate.
>>>> I have no insight information about "the data",
>>>> but imagine (dull??) statistics on accounts, active accounts, projects,
>>>> active projects.
>>>> I do trust my fellow Debian Developers to deal wisely with it.
>>>> For (gory??) details I recomment to join the Salsa admin team.
>>> To be honest - and to my suprise - we weren't involved in this
>>> discussions. We don't share any personal data and we won't do that.
>>> We share rough numbers (numbers of projects, users,
>>> groups, storage used), but we also do that regulary in talks (at least
>>> when there were real conferences). 
>>> Alex - Salsa Admim
>> I was under the assumption the Salsa Team would somehow benefit from
>> this partnership in some way (technical help, extra resources, etc.),
>> but I guess it's not the case. Thanks for clarifying.
>> I'm not sure I understand what Debian has to gain from this "Partnership".
>> More media exposure? I don't think we really need it: the Publicity Team
>> was already doing a great job.
>> More money? Gitlab is a silver sponsor for DebConf21, but so are ARM,
>> Ubuntu, HRT, Two Sigma and Globo.
> I think we have a misunderstanding here. It's not a partnership between 
> Debian and Gitlab, at least not from my point of view (and I'm member of the 
> Debian partners team).
> They sponsor DebConf21 at Silver level and Debian is listed as "Open Source 
> Partner" in GitLab Commit 2021 (their conference). From this "partnership" 
> (we used their word, probably we shouldn't have done it), we're publishing a 
> micronews, and we're offered a virtual booth at their conference, that will 
> happen if people works on it, as usual.
> Apart from that, but related, GitLab contacted the DPL to see if we can share 
> some "publicity" work; they are interested in publishing an article about how 
> Debian uses Gitlab. We'll try to learn a bit more about their specific plans, 
> our focus is to write it together so the Debian needs and perspective are on 
> it (how we use their free software flavour, mention things that could help us 
> as community, etc.). The idea is to gather the info already published  (on 
> mailing list, talks) about Salsa and Salsa CI and contact these teams to get 
> their views and requests, if any, to transmit them to GitLab (wether they 
> appear in the article or not). This work has not started yet.
> That's all. There is no formal partnership (Gitlab is not listed in 
> www.debian.org/partners). The partners@ alias is CC'ed in the conversations 
> to have the record of how the story started, for the case a partnership would 
> be on the table in the future (we would need a longer collaboration record, 
> also including other kind of support from their side at least).
> Kind regards,

Thanks for the clarification, this makes much more sense to me now.

  ⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁  Louis-Philippe Véronneau
  ⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋   po...@debian.org / veronneau.org

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