
On 3/29/21 11:03 AM, Steve McIntyre wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 07:58:33AM -0700, Felix Lechner wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 7:34 AM Steve McIntyre <93...@debian.org> wrote:
>>> It's better to do something about
>>> that up-front (ideally by provoking people to step up) than wait for
>>> bad things to happen.
>> I agree with that sentiment, but in light of other efforts to limit
>> public discourse—such as shortening the discussion period on a
>> controversial GR—it seems poor timing to shut down a public forum.
> Is that you volunteering to be an admin, then...?

Is there a set of documentation/rules in place for it? I can assist if
needed under publicity/press. Technically it could be considered media.

Be well,

⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Donald Norwood
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