On 14.04.20 16:01, Marco Möller wrote:
If Discourse could be configured towards these ideas, then it would be a
win for the communication (...)
Following the discussion, having investigated more how discourse
actually can be used, and also having received and read helpful answers
on https://discourse.debian.net or here in the email threads, I am
confident that configurations could indeed be tailored to the needs of
As I received the answer, that editing of messages is logged in a way
that the former content can still be accessed, my initial concerns about
editing of messages are smoothed already.
And the Trust Level systems and badges also seem to be highly
configurable, even Debian tailored new plugins seem to be possible.
It opened my eyes to see in the offered test instance of the Discourse
platform how it could be configured with obviously many default settings
still in place. Although audacious to ask for it, I will do so: would it
be possible to provide a second instance "tailored-discourse.debian.net"
for testing Debian specific configurations? The first instance would
continue to show what ALL could be possible, and the second instance
could develop towards a _possible_ consensus? I am aware about the work
load, I am just asking with the intention to help pushing all the
discussion forward towards productive steps, so that everybody can see
more easily what we are actually discussing about.
In a first step I suggest to deactivate and hide almost all the badges
in order to get the simply cosmetic objections out of the line.
I myself felt immediately annoyed by the many badges, which did not let
the platform appear to be made for a seriously working community, but
initially let it appear silly. Now, this is obviously a cosmetic thing
only, but as it affected me right away in a negative way, it also might
affect others. So, why not get rid of this first and afterwards add only
badges again, if it becomes clearer what badges or Trust Levels major
parts of the community would like to see.
For the beginning I suggest to only stay with badges which indicate the
amount of allover received Likes for a member's posts, nothing else.
The second step would then be to get email integration configured to the
maximum possible extend, so that everybody is respected and indeed
everybody can stay included.
The third step would be to care for the backup, the long term documentation.
The fourth step would be to adjust the message editing and moderation
The fifth step would be to return to the mailing lists and ask newly if
a Discourse instance as developed so far would find major support by the
Meanwhile, as a real world test, discussion about the discourse instance
under development could mainly be discussed in that instance, where the
initially in place Like system would show if discussions indeed would
benefit from it. I am pretty sure that my proposed fourth step is a hot
candidate for a perfect test scenario.
We would smooth the eyes, we would get some needed technical things set
up, and then populate the waters in order to see if a shark tank changed
to a lily pond.