On Wed, Apr 08, 2020 at 03:48:43PM +0000, Luca Filipozzi wrote:

> > If you're instead generally expressing a fear that once we migrate to
> > Salsa, we'll be in a local optimum that is going to be considered good
> > enough to be worth bothering migrating to anything else, then I would
> > argue that the problem wouldn't be having moved to Salsa as an OIDC
> > provider, and rather that the next step that is proposed wouldn't be
> > bringing enough compelling advantages to the problem at hand.
> Indeed, a local optimum is worrisome.

If you mean that we should block a workable proposal for incremental
improvement in case it turns out to be good enough, I think I don't want

What we have /now/ is unsustainable, to the point that I'm afraid and
ashamed of keeping some of the services I'm responsible for online.

We have come up a proposal that could be deployed in a couple of weeks
of off-working-hours straightforward work, with no need to deploy
any new infrastructural component. It can solve the urgent issues.

Then we can talk about a better, long-term, technically excellent,
actively supported and sustainable solution, and by all means, I'd like
to see that.

We could also do a post-mortem of why we have had what sounded like a
good solution for more than one year and never managed to get it
deployed. Not for pointing fingers: for avoiding getting in such a
stalled situation in the future.

I am not at all in the mood for any of that, though, while I find myself
starting responding to users' requests for help by apologising for the
state things are.


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