
Hanno 'Rince' Wagner <wag...@debian.org> wrote:
> Good evening,
> On Sun, 01 Mar 2020, Sam Hartman wrote:
> > Moderation
> > ==========
> [..]
> > Moderation of problematic lists was by far the best supported option for
> > responding.
> > Many people spoke in favor.  Many people volunteered to help.
> > I am not aware of anyone who favored  any technical choice over
> > moderation.
> there is a group of people who volunteered to moderate. we tested the
> setup and would start the moderation in a few hours time.

with the current setup I fear I cannot do any senseful moderation job (at
least not in a timely manner).

As I already reported to the test mailinglist, I cannot read the 
to-be-moderated mails with my smartphone's e-mail client, don't know
what's the reason for this in the format of the mails.
And to not add too much delay because of moderation, I wanted to do 
moderation job on the smartphone, not on the laptop.
Thus, please remove me from the moderators list. Sorry


Holger Wansing <hwans...@mailbox.org>
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