On Tue, Dec 24, 2019 at 11:09 PM John Lenin wrote:

> I was just going through debian project in general and had a problem in 
> understanding what debian developers are.
The phrase "Debian Developer" refers to a Debian member; someone who
has an account in the Debian LDAP account directory with the group
"Debian" and where the account isn't marked as disabled. The welcome
message sent to new members details most of the privileges of being a
Debian member, in addition members can create debian.net subdomains
and vote in Debian Project Leader elections and General Resolutions.
Many Debian members also have the privilege of uploading packages to
the Debian archive.


> From what it seems by going through the wiki.debian.org is that debian 
> developer is a core developer in debian.

It depends on what you mean by "core" but we have had important
developers in the past who were not Debian members, for example some
apt developers were not members for years.

> Now what I dont understand is why debian doesnt call its developers as 
> "debian core"/"debian core developer", instead refers them as 
> debian-developers. I found that strange as the other projects call "core/core 
> developer" instead of just "developer".

I assume that this is for historical reasons and it was an early
decision that made sense at the time since probably all Debian members
were developers. That hasn't been true for a long time, even before
the 2010 GR that explicitly welcomed and provided standard paths to
membership for contributors who aren't developing code or maintaining


> Should we have DEP or something of that sort to change it "core"/"core 
> developer"?

Personally I prefer the terms "Debian member" and "Debian contributor".



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