Hi Michael On Tue, Oct 08, 2019 at 02:49:32AM -0500, Michael Lustfield wrote: > - It's significantly more stable > + I've seen "GitLab is not responding" more times than I can keep track of > + I've also seen a large number of 500 and 504 errors (at least 1x/wk)
We have around 0,1% failure rate. > + This reliably fails: https://salsa.debian.org/api/v4/groups/debian - Known, bug in the API, can be worked aroung with "?with_projects=false". - WTH do you even try this? - I doubt that GitHub got similar large groups. > - GitHub often addresses problems quickly; this is rare with salsa https://salsa.debian.org/salsa/support/issues?scope=all&utf8=%E2%9C%93&state=all&author_username=mtecknology is empty. So which problems are you talking about. > - GitHub takes efforts to provide root cause analysis & lessons learned https://bits.debian.org/2019/08/salsa-postmortem-docker-registry.html > - Decisions are discussed, instead of drunken thoughts over chips and salsa -v? Okay, no need to go further. Bastian -- Knowledge, sir, should be free to all! -- Harry Mudd, "I, Mudd", stardate 4513.3