>>>>> "Didier" == Didier 'OdyX' Raboud <o...@debian.org> writes:
Didier> Fair enough. But then I wonder what guidelines will be used Didier> to grant, amend, or deny travel support budgets. Surely not Didier> "any" budget is fine (or is it)? I tend to think it'd be of Didier> great support for the BSP organizers to know in which Didier> ballpark the travel support budget should fall. I don't have guidelines for the budget, but I do have rough guidelines I'm using for approving individual requests. Different DPLs will handle this differently, but I think DDs can look at g...@salsa.debian.org:treasurer-team/documentation on the dpl branch in the conference-funding-criteria.md branch. Those thoughts were focused around thinking of travel to non-Debian events (you ask to go present at some other conference) but also generally useful for all travel. There have been two corner cases in my entire term where thought was required at my level. It's almost certain that DebConf burrseries team has hard decisions to make, but those don't tend to bubble up to me. Most of what I see is really easy. You haven't been contributing in over a year and have no specific plans to contribute? Thanks for your interest, but come back when you're more active. You're heavily involved in the cloud team and you want to go to the cloud sprint? Sure, go for it. Once we've decided to approve an activity, I generally trust people to be responsible in what reimbursements they ask for. Yes, I check and make sure we are permitted to cover it (as do the TOs), but at least for individual requests that make it to me, I'm generally happy with what people are requesting. Some people ask for more than others, but some people have more constrained personal budgets than others. I'm not going to pry into someone's personal finances. I think more consistency and more rules is required for Debian events than for one-off requests to the DPL. And obviously DebConf itself will have the most rules and procedure. I think that's OK. --Sam