Either ignore my ability to proofread my emails in their entirety or have a
good laugh at my two things that seemingly became 3. :)


On Sun, Sep 29, 2019 at 9:10 AM Brock Wittrock <brockwittr...@gmail.com>

> Two things from this thread:
> 1) It was a simple enough request and reasonable in my opinion. I'm also
> glad that he was willing to ask in the first place because as some say,
> when you don't ask the answer is already no anyways, so why not ask?
> 2) I understand though why the other side sees his request as a bit
> outrageous from a user base and upstream support, perspective (among other
> reasons). In most cases, I'd agree that those are the perfect metrics to
> measure one's decision on for these kinds of matters in almost all cases.
> On the other hand, I see M68K (both the new and old hardware) as an
> important architecture to keep around for 1) keeping a wide variety of CPU
> architectures available for learning, understanding, and diversity and 2)
> historical purposes (although this is obviously the much weaker argument
> from a developer support standpoint -- I'd totally agree with that). I'm
> also sad to hear about the fate of mips(eb). :(
> 3) It's clear everyone in this thread is passionate about Debian, free
> software, and in Adrian's case, passionate about keeping the unofficial
> M68K port alive. This passion from everyone is certainly contagious. So
> kudos to all of you.
> I hope Debian will reconsider providing at least a small part of the
> funding and I'm positive the hobbyist community around M68K (as well as
> other avenues) can come together for the rest. I believe by doing so, it
> would show Debian doing things that prove itself as "the universal
> operating system."
> I appreciate reading everyone's input regardless. I'll understand if
> Debian still maintains it's decision to not approve such funding (although
> I would certainly be disappointed).
> Thanks,
> Brock
> On Sun, Sep 29, 2019 at 8:54 AM Aron Xu <a...@debian.org> wrote:
>> On Sun, Sep 29, 2019 at 7:58 PM John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
>> <glaub...@physik.fu-berlin.de> wrote:
>> >
>> > > Regardless, I think you have your answer.
>> > > Absent the appearance of significant new support, there is not
>> > > sufficient interest in spending Debian funds on m68k gcc development.
>> >
>> > I don't think we have heard enough voices yet to be able to answer that
>> > question.
>> >
>> Such work should indeed be funded by really interested parties, i.e.
>> hardware vendors and their ecosystem partners. I'm not saying
>> volunteers is out of the game, but look at mips(eb), we have retired
>> the architecture entirely because we are not able to find enough
>> investment on hardware and manpower to maintain it well, even if
>> hardware is still easy to purchase, toolchain/kernel support is
>> current.
>> It could be a better idea to get more interested people to fund such
>> work, but I don't see enough motivation to spend Debian money for a
>> port that nobody else have interest in supporting its toolchain.
>> Regards,
>> Aron

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