On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 09:51:23PM -0300, Yao Wei wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 24, 2019 at 12:49:24AM +0200, Adam Borowski wrote:
> > ##################
> > I do not consider a flat tarball to be a preferred form for modification. 
> > Thus, like any non-source form, it must be accompanied by a way to obtain
> > the actual form for modification.  There are many such ways -- unless you
> > distribute the software in highly unusual circumstances, a link to a
> > network server suffices; see the text of the GPL for further details.
> > ##################
> I believe transporting whole VCS directory in a tarball is a viable
> workaround

Ie, the 3.0 (git) format.

> though I would argue that expensive data transport (like 4G,
> satellite network, etc.) is not highly unusual.

Using real git (rather than a hack to emulate the old scheme) you can do a
shallow clone.

Tunnelling git repos inside tarballs is useful only in rare (yet important)
cases like a desert island, an oppressive country, an air-gapped facility,
an interstellar spaceship, etc.  And once tunnelled, git will works
awesomely within that disconnected from us network.  Including merging back
once connected again.  That's not something a flat tarball can do.

> Also, if upstream interpret the clause as "the actual place for making
> modification", it could violate dissident test.

I'm talking about format, not place.  Git is explicitly a _distributed_ VCS,
meant to solve this very problem.

And mandating git specifically would be non-free, as it'd forbid migrating
to a future better scheme, or an alternative (Hg, Pijul).  Thus, I propose
opt-in banning only a particular obsolete way to convey processed sources.

⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Debian is one big family.  Including that weird uncle
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