On Wed, 24 Jul 2019 11:23:07 +0200, Vincent Bernat writes:
>> so, why isn't it enough to recommend those things?
>Because without uniformity, we make it harder for people to contribute.

i detest unwarranted, imposed, uniformity. i *love* consistency. we have
had consistency in the distribution for ages. we don't need uniform

what good can come from reducing diversity and actively probibiting
flexiblity? and why do you insist on micromanaging the workflow i've got
to use?

i thought we wanted to produce a good distribution, not force
everybody gratuitously to use the same tools.

or do you also plan to insist that your roofing contractor only uses
<insert brand> tools and only cuts the rafters with your preferred saw?


Alexander Zangerl + GPG Key 2FCCF66BB963BD5F + http://snafu.priv.at/
"[Perl] isn't a programming language, it's a thousand special
case rules flying in close formation."  -- Peter da Silva

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