Daniel Pocock - 03.02.19, 08:38: > This reveals a lot about the serious problems in Debian right now. > Did we really sign up to be part of an experiment like that? I > didn't. > > Why do certain people want to start out with enforcement, skipping > over normal human relations, avoiding meetings for almost a year, > assuming they always know who is at fault?
Quite bold accusations, Daniel. And in yet another thread about what seems to be about the same topic than in about half a dozen or even a dozen of threads before this thread. If the previous threads did not give you the results you wanted, how do you come to believe that this new thread will? Did you actually aim at talking with the people you accuse? Did you contact them personally by mail *before* writing these bold accusations to the list? Our even more clearly: Are *you* even interested in really talking *with* them, instead of just *about* them? That written, I do not have any firm opinion on how true your or the story of anyone else who is involved in that is. In the end, they are all just that, *stories*. None of it is absolutely true or absolutely wrong. For me, to exit the current approach of accusing each other is to assume good intentions and really notice that there is no fault in life. There are certainly correct and incorrect decisions and different opinions on what those are, but how would it be if what happened is simply just that, is simply just what happened? And what if, just what if it is no one's fault, but just a result of a large group of people having different opinions and viewpoints of how to work together and struggling to find a consensus on how it can work out? What if, just what if you just for a moment stop giving your power to other people by accusing them have done wrong to you or Norbert? The more you do that, the more you just keep repeating the same pattern over and over and over again. And now I breathe deeply and let go wanting to control what you do or how you do it. You do what you do, you do it the way you do it… and it is totally up to you, whether you like to receive anything of what I wrote here and take it as an inspiration, or not. It is totally up to you whether you continue to give your power away like this, or stop doing that and look inside for intuitive guidance and clear reason. And it is totally up to me whether I even respond to any further mails like this one. Thank you. -- Martin