On 23/05/18 12:16, Izabela Bakollari wrote:
> Hi Enkelena,
> The registration link at this discussion is for residents in Albania
> applying for reimbursement for their travel and accommodation costs.
> Attending DokuTech is for free and people not living in Albania and/or
> not applying for reimbursement should first register at the official
> website http://doku.tech/ 

Thanks Izabela, Enkelena,

I asked in the forum to clarify the procedure/link for speakers and
booths, the DokuTech page only has a link for the free visitor ticket
but I see an email address i...@doku.tech that people could try.

The Debian funding request procedure is here[1]

This is one of the biggest events in Kosovo and there are several budget
airlines flying to Prishtina (PRN) airport now, e.g. WizzAir and Easyjet.

Our local GSoC participants, FLOSSK[2] and Open Labs[3] communities may
be able to provide more information to anybody who wants to visit.



1. https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/DPL/Reimbursement#Who_will_reimburse_you
2. http://flossk.org/

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