On Mon, 2018-05-14 at 22:05 +0900, Hideki Yamane wrote:
> Hi,
>  Thanks, your explanation is really helpful.
> > The signing service is a source package builder.
>  It build source package but its source package is based on built binary 
> package?
>  As I understand, singing to binary is necessary step.


> 1. source package
> 2. -> upload to dak
> 3. -> passed to buildd
> 4. -> binary package built

And one of those binary packages is a "template" for the source
package.  This is documented on the Etherpad, but in short it contains
an unpacked source package with everything except the signatures, plus
a configuration file specifying which binaries in which packages need
to be signed.

> 5. -> singing service pull those
> 6. -> source package built

This is the template source package plus all the (detached) signatures
that were specified in the configuration.

> 7. -> dak, again
> 8. -> buildd, again

Here there are build-dependencies on the previously built binaries, and
the build process adds the detached signatures to those binaries.

> 9. -> dak passes those to repo 
>  And in previous report 
> > We're still missing (partially or completely):
> > - generate a signing template for GRUB2
> > - have DAK accept those generated source-only uploads
>  This is 7th step in above, right? 

The second point (have DAK accept ...) is part of step 7, yes.  It
seems to have been implemented now.


Ben Hutchings
For every action, there is an equal and opposite criticism. - Harrison

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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