Debian Treasurer Sprint was held Feb 5th, 2018 in Brussels right after

Attendees were Philipp Hug, Martin  Michlmayr, Mehdi Dogguy and Héctor
Orón Martínez

The following topics were discussed:
    * Role of the Debian Treasurer team was reviewed. The team is
comfortable with current delegation however there is currently a gap
tracking assets (suchas trademarks and contracts signed on behalf of
Debian). There is currently no plan on how to best track those.
    * DebConf e.V. status. Planned it's dissolution, it might still
need about a year before it can really be shutdown.
    * Annual report. A rough balance and expenses were given out by
most TO and we are very close to be able to prepare a very first vague
report on current Debian financial status RSN.
    * Improvements on how to best gather data from TO were discussed.
    * Reimbursement process improvements were also discussed.
Treasurer team had great feedback from Daniel Pocock on the matter.
    * Hardware acquisition process needs to be developed for Debian
core teams to acquire what they need.
    * Annual financial planning. It was discussed that a yearly
forecast of expenses would be a great to plan ahead so active
fundraising could be carried on. Debian Tresurer team will work on
estimating it and advising DPL and TO involved.
    * Cryptocurrency donations were discussed and we plan to enable
those for bitcoin donations via, Bitcoin will be
automatically converted to TO currency instead of keeping such asset. is kind to look into investigate enabling other crypto
currency donations to Debian.

Best regards on behalf of Debian Treasurer team,
  Héctor Orón Martínez

 Héctor Orón  -.. . -... .. .- -.   -.. . ...- . .-.. --- .--. . .-.

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