On Jan 6th we lost a very intelligent, and debian driven soul. My best friend Travis, who made me use debian passed away. Everything I know about Linux is because of him.
Is it possible to get a future build/distro named after him? CodeNames: isolated,klono,yogurt Name Travis Aaron Neeley This would mean worlds to use who continue the projects without him. http://www.legacy.com/guestbooks/dentonrc/travis-aaron-neeley-condolences/187796559?&nocache=true&cid=addentry&sign=0&page=2 -- *Gratitude, Brother RichardAum Om ॐ ૐ औं ༀ唵* *Disclaimer:* *Any electronic intercept of this communication constitutes a violation of 50 U.S.C. § 1861(b)(2) of The Patriot Act. The use of this information in informal or formal proceedings, charges, investigations or indictments is strictly prohibited and rendered null and void if obtained without a warrant. *