Hi all, I've had some recent visits to Kosovo and there are some exciting things happening there.
Chris Lamb got there first for Software Freedom Kosova[1] 2016. At the Digital-born Media Carnival[2], I met some students, Albiona and Qendresa Hoti, who invited me to visit and asked me if I could provide some support for their hackathon in Prizren. I went there and gave a talk at the Innovation Center Kosovo[3] in July and went back for the hackathon[4] in August. A MiniDebConf is now being organized for 7 October. The Prishtina hackerspace[6] is a possible venue but this hasn't been finally confirmed yet. Kosovo has also been discussed in the bug tracker recently, there is a first Debian mirror[7] there and there is discussion about how to give Kosovan users a better experience[8] using the Debian installer. Like Albania[9], there are really good signs for diversity in Kosovo and it looks like the MiniDebConf may achieve a gender ratio that hasn't been seen before in Debian events, with the exception of those that were exclusively organized for women. Regards, Daniel 1. http://sfk.flossk.org/sfk16/ 2. http://www.shareconference.net/en/defense/digital-born-adventures-kotor-and-lessons-carnival 3. https://ickosovo.com/ 4. https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEvents/ks/2017/CoderGalsHackathonForGirlsPrizren 5. https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEvents/ks/2017/MiniDebConfPrishtina 6. http://www.prishtinahackerspace.org/ 7. https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=867255 8. https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=872867 9. https://www.openlabs.cc