Le Fri, Apr 07, 2017 at 03:00:10PM +0530, shirish शिरीष a écrit :
> Could you or anybody else please share even if unintentionally, I have
> been demeaning to anybody in my writings. While I have repeatedly
> apologized, I would like to know where I have demeaned people.
> Everybody is welcome to point to me either publicly or privately what
> is/was demeaning in my writing.

Hi Shirish and everybody,

I think that there is a broad consensus that the core problem is the image that
you included, not the writings.

On my side, do trust you that you did not intend to hurt anybody, and that you
did not intend the use of this image to be eye-catching to attract readers, nor
to convey derogatory messages about women.  But Debian is a very broad
community, so if you are told that the image has made Debian less welcoming
than it should, and that it has put people at risk to lose their jobs, you (and
me) have to trust that.

If I could sugest a good way out of this situation, it would be that you
acknowledge (briefly) that you understood that images are sensitive materials
that have much more potential to harm others than just plain text, and that you
will be careful in the future.  In return, I think that it would fair if the
anti-harassment team would also acknowledge that you are not a harrasser, to
cleary any possible misunderstanding if a third party stumbles in the archives
of this discussion at some point in the future.

Have a nice week-end,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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