
On Fri, 2017-03-24 at 14:02:49 -0400, G. Branden Robinson wrote:
> In returning my attention to current Debian packaging practices and
> conventions I took my first serious look at good old DEP5, and brought
> the debian/copyright file for my first-ever package, xtrs[1], into
> conformance with the new[2] standard[3].
> However, in doing so, I encountered some use cases that are not covered
> by this standard.  Happily, all of them triggered lintian warnings as
> well, which gives me a framework within which to present my problems.
> The attached debian/copyright file may also illuminate these matters.

I think all your concerns are already mostly covered by the spec,
except notably for the license namespacing.

Something that is also a common source of confusion, is that because
it specifies a Files field, it seems it compels people to do very
fine-grained splitting. Personally I have no issue with coalescing
copyright notices, as long as they are all for the same license, etc.
I even coalesce copyright years for the same owner. See for example
the libbsd copyright file, being more fine-grained would be madness
IMO. And it is my understanding that ftpmasters find this to be fine.

So instead of going over all your fine points, I've taken the liberty
instead to fix the copyright file in what I'd consider to be correctly
formatted; in two ways, first following the original spirit, of very
detailed listing, and then another condensed one which is what I'd
have done. They are incremental patches over your original one.

diff --git a/debian/copyright b/debian/copyright
index 92365ec..5101554 100644
--- a/debian/copyright
+++ b/debian/copyright
@@ -1,46 +1,164 @@
-Package: xtrs
-Obtained from: http://www.tim-mann.org/trs80/xtrs-4.9c.tar.gz
-               http://www.tim-mann.org/trs80faq.html
-Upstream authors: David Gingold, Alec Wolman, Timothy Mann
-Debian package author: Branden Robinson
+Format: https://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/
+Upstream-Name: xtrs
+Source: http://www.tim-mann.org/xtrs.html
+Disclaimer: Requires non-DFSG-free ROM images and/or operating systems
+ to be useful for most purposes.
+ .
+ There is a freely-licensed boot ROM for Model 4P emulation provided with xtrs;
+ however, this boot image can only be used to boot an operating system designed
+ for the Model 4 (it is not sophisticated enough to load the BASIC interpreter
+ ROM for Model III compatiblity mode, provided on Model 4P TRSDOS disks as a
+ file called MODELA/III).  Since most users will likely be using this emulator
+ to run proprietary legacy applications for the TRS-80 computers, I do not
+ regard this exception as sufficient to recategorize xtrs for inclusion in main.
+ .
+ It is worth keeping an eye on projects like Contiki and FUZIX; if one of them
+ becomes useful under xtrs, that would be an argument for moving xtrs to main.
+ + http://www.contiki-os.org/
+ + https://github.com/EtchedPixels/FUZIX
-Debian copyright notice and license terms:
+Files: *
+Copyright: 1998 Timothy Mann
+License: Timothy-Mann-xtrs-permissive-non-copyleft
-Unless otherwise noted, all independently copyrightable modifications and
-additions to xtrs found in its Debian packages bear the following copyright
-and license terms:
+ ChangeLog
+ Makefile
+ cassette
+ cassette.man
+ cassette.sh
+ cassette.txt
+ cpmutil.html
+ crc.c
+ do6.jcl
+ dskspec.html
+ expall.bas
+ fakerom.lst
+ fakerom.z80
+ hex2cmd.man
+ hex2cmd.txt
+ m1format.fix
+ mkdisk.man
+ mkdisk.txt
+ reed.h
+ trs_chars.c
+ utility.jcl
+ xtrs.man
+ xtrs.txt
+Copyright: no explicit notices
+License: Timothy-Mann-xtrs-permissive-non-copyleft
+ I (Branden Robinson) presume them to be under Tim Mann's license (see below).
+ Some of them are plainly derived from others (such as cassette.txt from
+ cassette.man), and some may have been written by other people (e.g.,
+ cassette.sh was written by me, albeit obviously a it's a sort of
+ transliteration of cassette [csh]).
-Copyright 1998-2006, 2008 Branden Robinson
+ cd.ccc
+ mount.ccc
+ pwd.ccc
+ truedam.ccc
+ umount.ccc
+ unix.ccc
+ xtrs8.lst
+ xtrs8.z80
+ xtrshard.lst
+ xtrshard.z80
+ xtrsmous.lst
+ xtrsmous.z80
+Copyright: 1998 Timothy Mann
+License: Timothy-Mann-xtrs-permissive-non-copyleft
-This software may be copied, modified, and used for any purpose
-without fee, provided that (1) the above copyright notice is
-retained, and (2) modified versions are clearly marked as having
-been modified, with the modifier's name and the date included.
+ cmd.c
+ cmd.h
+ hex2cmd.c
+ trs_disk.c
+ trs_disk.h
+ trs_imp_exp.c
+ trs_imp_exp.h
+ trs_interrupt.c
+Copyright: 1996 Timothy Mann
+License: Timothy-Mann-xtrs-permissive-non-copyleft
-Original copyright notice and license terms:
+ cmddump.c
+ load_cmd.c
+ load_cmd.h
+ mkdisk.c
+Copyright: 1996-98 Timothy Mann
+License: Timothy-Mann-xtrs-permissive-non-copyleft
+ compile_rom.c
+ config.h
+ debug.c
+ dis.c
+ error.c
+ load_hex.c
+ main.c
+ trs.h
+ trs_cassette.c
+ trs_io.c
+ trs_iodefs.h
+ trs_keyboard.c
+ trs_memory.c
+ trs_printer.c
+ trs_xinterface.c
+ z80.c
+ z80.h
+Copyright: 1992 Clarendon Hill Software
+License: Clarendon-Hill-Software-xtrs-permissive-non-copyleft
+ Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use, copy, or
+ redistribute this software, provided this copyright notice is retained.  This
+ software is provided "as is" without any expressed or implied warranty.  If
+ this software brings on any sort of damage -- physical, monetary, emotional, or
+ brain -- too bad.  You've got no one to blame but yourself.
+ .
+ The software may be modified for your own purposes, but modified versions must
+ retain this notice.
-Copyright (C) 1992 Clarendon Hill Software.
+ export.lst
+ export.z80
+ import.lst
+ import.z80
+ settime.ccc
+ xtrsemt.ccc
+ xtrsemt.h
+Copyright: 1997 Timothy Mann
+License: Timothy-Mann-xtrs-permissive-non-copyleft
-Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use, copy, or
-redistribute this software, provided this copyright notice is retained.
+ settime.lst
+ settime.z80
+Copyright: 1998 Ulrich Mueller
+License: Timothy-Mann-xtrs-permissive-non-copyleft
-This software is provided "as is" without any expressed or implied
-warranty. If this software brings on any sort of damage -- physical,
-monetary, emotional, or brain -- too bad. You've got no one to blame but
+ trs_hard.c
+ trs_hard.h
+ trs_uart.c
+ trs_uart.h
+Copyright: 2000 Timothy Mann
+License: Timothy-Mann-xtrs-permissive-non-copyleft
-The software may be modified for your own purposes, but modified
-versions must retain this notice.
+ xtrsrom4p.README
+ xtrsrom4p.lst
+ xtrsrom4p.z80
+Copyright: 1999 Peter W. Cervasio
+License: Timothy-Mann-xtrs-permissive-non-copyleft
+Files: debian/*
+Copyright: 1998-2006, 2008, 2017 Branden Robinson <g.branden.robin...@gmail.com>
+License: Timothy-Mann-xtrs-permissive-non-copyleft
-Copyright (c) 1996-2000, Timothy Mann
+License: Timothy-Mann-xtrs-permissive-non-copyleft
+ This software may be copied, modified, and used for any purpose without fee,
+ provided that (1) the above copyright notice is retained, and (2) modified
+ versions are clearly marked as having been modified, with the modifier's name
+ and the date included.
-This software may be copied, modified, and used for any purpose
-without fee, provided that (1) the above copyright notice is
-retained, and (2) modified versions are clearly marked as having
-been modified, with the modifier's name and the date included.
-$Id: copyright 119 2008-02-08 08:08:02Z branden $
+# vim:set ai et sw=2 ts=2 tw=80:
diff --git a/debian/copyright b/debian/copyright
index 5101554..267a846 100644
--- a/debian/copyright
+++ b/debian/copyright
@@ -18,7 +18,23 @@ Disclaimer: Requires non-DFSG-free ROM images and/or operating systems
  + https://github.com/EtchedPixels/FUZIX
 Files: *
-Copyright: 1998 Timothy Mann
+ © 1996-1999, 2000 Timothy Mann
+License: Timothy-Mann-xtrs-permissive-non-copyleft
+ settime.lst
+ settime.z80
+ © 1998 Ulrich Mueller
+License: Timothy-Mann-xtrs-permissive-non-copyleft
+ xtrsrom4p.README
+ xtrsrom4p.lst
+ xtrsrom4p.z80
+ © 1999 Peter W. Cervasio
 License: Timothy-Mann-xtrs-permissive-non-copyleft
@@ -45,7 +61,8 @@ Files:
-Copyright: no explicit notices
+ no explicit notices
 License: Timothy-Mann-xtrs-permissive-non-copyleft
  I (Branden Robinson) presume them to be under Tim Mann's license (see below).
@@ -55,42 +72,6 @@ Comment:
  transliteration of cassette [csh]).
- cd.ccc
- mount.ccc
- pwd.ccc
- truedam.ccc
- umount.ccc
- unix.ccc
- xtrs8.lst
- xtrs8.z80
- xtrshard.lst
- xtrshard.z80
- xtrsmous.lst
- xtrsmous.z80
-Copyright: 1998 Timothy Mann
-License: Timothy-Mann-xtrs-permissive-non-copyleft
- cmd.c
- cmd.h
- hex2cmd.c
- trs_disk.c
- trs_disk.h
- trs_imp_exp.c
- trs_imp_exp.h
- trs_interrupt.c
-Copyright: 1996 Timothy Mann
-License: Timothy-Mann-xtrs-permissive-non-copyleft
- cmddump.c
- load_cmd.c
- load_cmd.h
- mkdisk.c
-Copyright: 1996-98 Timothy Mann
-License: Timothy-Mann-xtrs-permissive-non-copyleft
@@ -108,7 +89,8 @@ Files:
-Copyright: 1992 Clarendon Hill Software
+ © 1992 Clarendon Hill Software
 License: Clarendon-Hill-Software-xtrs-permissive-non-copyleft
  Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use, copy, or
  redistribute this software, provided this copyright notice is retained.  This
@@ -119,40 +101,9 @@ License: Clarendon-Hill-Software-xtrs-permissive-non-copyleft
  The software may be modified for your own purposes, but modified versions must
  retain this notice.
- export.lst
- export.z80
- import.lst
- import.z80
- settime.ccc
- xtrsemt.ccc
- xtrsemt.h
-Copyright: 1997 Timothy Mann
-License: Timothy-Mann-xtrs-permissive-non-copyleft
- settime.lst
- settime.z80
-Copyright: 1998 Ulrich Mueller
-License: Timothy-Mann-xtrs-permissive-non-copyleft
- trs_hard.c
- trs_hard.h
- trs_uart.c
- trs_uart.h
-Copyright: 2000 Timothy Mann
-License: Timothy-Mann-xtrs-permissive-non-copyleft
- xtrsrom4p.README
- xtrsrom4p.lst
- xtrsrom4p.z80
-Copyright: 1999 Peter W. Cervasio
-License: Timothy-Mann-xtrs-permissive-non-copyleft
 Files: debian/*
-Copyright: 1998-2006, 2008, 2017 Branden Robinson <g.branden.robin...@gmail.com>
+ © 1998-2006, 2008, 2017 Branden Robinson <g.branden.robin...@gmail.com>
 License: Timothy-Mann-xtrs-permissive-non-copyleft
 License: Timothy-Mann-xtrs-permissive-non-copyleft

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