
* Johannes Schauer <jo...@debian.org> [2016-12-02 13:40:31 CET]:
> Quoting Holger Levsen (2016-12-02 13:11:05)
> > I'm just commenting on this single issue (and aspect of it…) here+now…
> > 
> > On Thu, Dec 01, 2016 at 07:20:36PM +0100, Stefano Zacchiroli wrote:
> > > On Thu, Dec 01, 2016 at 03:46:05PM +0000, Ian Jackson wrote:
> > > > 3. Abolish maintainership entirely.
> > > This is the obviously right solution.
> > 
> > while I can see where you are coming from and where you want us to go, 
> > (and while I like the direction…) I'm not sure such a move would be
> > beneficial, because of unintended consequences:
> > 
> > motivation. being able to say "I'm the maintainer of $foo" is a *great*
> > motivation for many. Taking this away *might* cause a lot more harm that
> > gain.
> Why would this be taken away?

 Because it takes away the need to communicate with the maintainers and
respecting their view on the package and how it develops/is maintained.
It happened more than enough times for me personally in the past years
that people upload non-coordinated and not-communicated fixes that it
annoyed me enough to kill a fair amount of my motivation.  

 I've seen packaging reworks combined with "just a bug fix" also every
now and then and there is a reason for the list of what people shouldn't
do when they upload an NMU.  Going towards an abolished maintainership
area it will make it even less likely such needed communication with the
people feeling emotionally attached to the package to happen.  It's
already at the lower and every now and then that it hurts, and saying
there is no maintainership means that noone has to coordinate with
anyone anymore because ... well, there is no maintainer.

 So long,
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Fühlst du dich machtlos, geh raus und mach, los   | 23.55: Alles auf Anfang
Fühlst du dich haltlos, such Halt und lass los    |

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