]] Lars Wirzenius 

> I suggest a lighter approach than a GR for eroding the strong package
> ownership further is to start another page, "LowThresholdHijack" or
> something, listing maintainers who are OK if someone hijacks their
> package if the maintainer isn't taking good care of it. Would anyone
> else than I put themselves on that new page? (If you would, start the
> page on the wiki and announce it on this thread, and I'll add myself.)

A similar proposal: Have a way of declaring the package to be under
collective maintenance (put it under collab-maint on alioth +
Maintainer: collect...@debian.org or somesuch?)  That'd move closer to a
model where individuals don't own that particular package.

Tollef Fog Heen
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are

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