Ian Jackson writes ("Re: Replace the TC power to depose maintainers"): > I still don't understand why the TC is so crushingly slow to conter > maintainer power in Debian. As I say in my other emails, a result of > the TC's inaction, maintainer power in Debian is nearly unassailable.
Didier, and Phil, now you're in this conversation: can you explain this to me ? I have a number of theories. Mayber TC members are reluctant to make _any_ decision for fear of making a mistake. Maybe TC members are reluctant to act without consensus. Maybe TC members are reluctant to upset maintainers. Maybe TC members are uncomfortable, as technical people, exercising hard power, and prefer to persuade. Maybe something else, which I don't understand. If I understood _why_ TC members (other than me) behaved this way, it might be possible to frame a GR where the whole project could indicate whether they think this is right or wrong. If I put forward such a GR and lose it, at least I'll know where I stand. There is no point me trying to push this years-long campaign to weaken Debian maintainership (originally, by getting the TC to use its power, but that doesn't seem to be getting much more likely) if the rest of the project thinks that it is just fine that our maintainers are almost completely unaccountable. Ian. -- Ian Jackson <ijack...@chiark.greenend.org.uk> These opinions are my own. If I emailed you from an address @fyvzl.net or @evade.org.uk, that is a private address which bypasses my fierce spamfilter.