On Fri, Dec 02, 2016 at 01:40:31PM +0100, Johannes Schauer wrote:
> > motivation. being able to say "I'm the maintainer of $foo" is a *great*
> > motivation for many. Taking this away *might* cause a lot more harm that
> > gain.
> Why would this be taken away?
motivation works in strange ways. and it doesnt work the same all of us

> If the majority of recent debian/changelog entries are by you, I would claim
> that it's no problem for you to still call yourself the maintainer because
> apparently that's what you are doing: maintaining a package. It's just that
> others could potentially also upload fixes. But it doesn't take away the work
> you do or that you are doing most of it. That you are doing most of it will
> still be visible.

while true, your "story" doesnt take into account those who "need" to be
listed in the maintainer field to feel proud, responsible, etc.

I'm not saying people like you dont exist, nor that your reasoning aint
sensible. I've just said some people take motivation from being listed
as maintainer.

I'll add that motivation onced harmed is hard to bring back.

> Counter example to your argument:
> I agree, it feels great to be called the maintainer of $foo, but in my
> experience people call you "the maintainer" even if you haven't maintained 
> that
> thing for a very long time, the package is team maintained and you are not 
> even
> in the Uploaders field.

Your counter example doesnt invalidate my example at all. It's great
that we will keep you as the sbuild maintainer, just imagine how stupid
it would be to loose others because this is important to them.

Even unconsciously important.

I do agree with zack's original goal here however. And I also understood that
he is well aware that this needs changes in our culture. I just wanted to
point out that this aspect of our  cultur is not only harmful but also has
huge benefits. So I'm wondering, maybe instead of getting rid of the
maintainer field, we should get rid of the uploaders field and allow several
maintainers in the maintainers field? I dunno.


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