Clarke, Daniel (US - Arlington) dijo [Wed, Jul 27, 2016 at 07:23:23PM +0000]: > Good Afternoon, > > My name is Dan and I have been given the following task by my > client: What is the history of Debian, and, specifically, whether > there is a central authority that publishes patches and what is > their credibility? > > Please let me know if you have any questions. > > I greatly appreciate your time and assistance with this effort.
I will add to the information already replied by Martin: We had at some point a patch tracker in Debian (was called, but it sadly was decomissioned some time ago. There are, however, many ways to find the relevant patchs for packages you might need. You can: - If you know which project/package you are interested in, the package tracker¹ can give you detailed status information on it. On the right side, click on "browse source code". Many (note that not all) packages have all of their patches to the upstream project in the debian/patches directory. - If you want to compare the packaging between Debian and its derivatives, you can look at the Debian derivatives patches.² - Not Debian-specific, but you can be interested in the per-vendor patch-finding information³ page by oss-security. ¹ ² ³ > This message (including any attachments) contains confidential > information intended for a specific individual and purpose, and is > protected by law. If you are not the intended recipient, you should > delete this message and any disclosure, copying, or distribution of > this message, or the taking of any action based on it, by you is > strictly prohibited. Ummmm... You do realize that sending this text to a publicly-archived mailing list, at a message directed to just about anybody who might reply, is a contradition in terms, right?