Dear All we have NCR 3455 system from long time as attached all information for server (images) , so we need your help to assist us to get root password which lost it , really we appreciate your efforts if you can send us the procedure for resting the administrator (root) password which this server handle data base application writing in COBOL language
Actually i try to mount the HD to Centos 5.6 but it cant recognize the UNIX file system type (GNU HURD or SysV) , so I cant reach to *passwd* file to edit it to reset password . for that reason i send you this e-mail and i hope if you can gently guide me with simple procedure how i can mount the file system (GNU HURD or SysV) on Linux system or which OS UNIX / Linux even Live CD could help me to recognize this type of file system really I need solve this issue because need to add network printer to this server but I don't have privilege for that till get root password . *Note:* *we have SCSI to USB converter which we can connect the HD extrnaly to my laptop * P?riph?rique Amorce D?but Fin Blocks Id Syst?me /dev/hdb4 * 1 523 4194157+ 63 *GNU HURD or SysV* your fast response and concerns highly appreciated [image: Displaying] Best regards, M.Saad