On Wed, Sep 03 2014, Piotr Ożarowski wrote:

> [Scott Kitterman, 2014-09-03]
>> We could have an on stage censor with a switch for the microphone.

        I am disappointed; the response could have been so much more

> yeah, lets do censorship. I lived in a country with censorship¹, we
> didn't have people swearing and nobody dared to say something which is
> not politically correct, at least in public. Grat times!

        Is your position then that condes of conduct and enforcing
 harassment policies are a form of censorship? (I am congnizent that you
 have not stated this, and harassment was not part of this discussion,
 but I do believe it is related)

> and more seriously, the day Debian will do censorship is the day I
> retire from the project.

        How do you suppose we keep the atmosphere from devolving back to
 the poisonous flame-fest days, and enforce various codes of conduct
 policies?  I have seen far too many tech conferences without codes of
 conduct devolve into misogynistic and occasionally racist
 experiences. The argument that codes of conduct are forms of censorship
 is frequently made, but, I am afraid, not very convincingly.

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Manoj Srivastava <sriva...@debian.org> <http://www.debian.org/~srivasta/>  
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