This one time, at band camp, Wouter Verhelst said:
> Op 05-01-14 14:28, Joerg Jaspert schreef:
> > On 13446 March 1977, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> >> I'm worried that this situation is harmful for the project.
> > 
> > Yes, seperate development with different requirements than the
> > production environment is harmful. It's a lesson that every larger
> > company with an IT Department goes through at some point - and it's
> > the same for our project.
> > 
> > You need a development environment that is build and handled the same
> > way as the production environment. Sure you need to evolve that, it may
> > not stand still, with new requirements coming along, but you need to do
> > that in close work with the people maintaining the production one, to
> > ensure that the way thinks evolve is actually something that can be
> > mirrored in the area it is intended to be run later.
> > 
> > (Alternatively you can have a free-for-all run development and then get
> >  a third env, in which you then try to get to run the new release in a
> >  (newer version of the) production env).
> Since DSA is using puppet extensively ATM, wouldn't it be better to have
> a documented procedure on how to set up a VM or chroot or similar
> environment that uses DSA's puppet recipes to set up a development
> instance? That way, people can make changes where necessary (while
> obviously understanding these changes may or may not be acceptable),
> don't have to worry about making a mistake and killing someone else's
> machine (after all, it's their own machine), etc.

If you prefer to run your own VM or chroot but want it to look like a
DSA machine as much as possible, we do have public documentation on how
we set things up.

Our puppet is public:

As are our new machine setup notes:

We're usually happy to merge patches.

|   ,''`.                                            Stephen Gran |
|  : :' :                               |
|  `. `'                        Debian user, admin, and developer |
|    `-                            |

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