
On Tue, 2013-12-10 at 18:02 +0100, Enrico Zini wrote:
> Hello,
> it looks like as soon as one becomes DD, an email arrives from Google
> recruiters.
> I understand that some people may find it interesting, and some people
> find it annoying. My experience with just ignoring their email was that
> I was contacted again.
> I am toying with the idea of contacting companies with aggressive
> recruiting policies like Google asking them to please leave us in peace,
> and offering instead to maintain a wiki page of recruiting contacts for
> companies that like the taste of DD blood. Something like:
>   These companies consider Debian Developers as especially interesting
>   people to recruit. If you are a Debian Developer and looking for a
>   job, you can reach them using the contacts below:
>     Google: <f...@google.com>
>     Facebook: <b...@facebook.com>
>     Amazon: <b...@amazon.com>
>     Canonical: <g...@canonical.com>
>     ...
>   and so on.
> Comments?

Actually they have tried many times even before I became DD. I know
other non-DD maintainers who have been bothered by them too. I don't see
a general solution for this, since some may like it. In my case I've
told all recruiters that I'd never ever work for Google, and that I was
a bad coder and a messy as sysadmin, which is pretty true. So they
stopped for real.


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