Am 13.10.2013 um 08:44 schrieb Tollef Fog Heen <>:

> The System Administration Team (DSA) are considering moving some of the
> static hosting that Debian currently provides from our infrastructure to
> one or more CDNs. We have received feedback indicating that a broader
> discussion is desired.
> [...]
> We appreciate feedback while we continue our investigation of CDNs.

Although I understand that there will be some benefits of using a CDN, I see 
some issues as well: 

1) Privacy concerns: Debian would deliver much more data to business companies 
than necessary. Keep in mind that personalized data is one of the most valuable 
things to data miners. Currently I choose one mirror site to pull my packages 
from. I can freely choose that mirror on basis of location, bandwidth, personal 
likes or, let's say, privacy reasons because I know that this specific mirror 
doesn't log my IPs. 
When using a CDN, at least in that way I understood your proposal, I'm not free 
to choose anymore. The company running that CDN will obtain all of data like 
how many machines are behind a subnet or IP, what kind of machines (intel, 
sparc, powerpc, m68k, ...) and might know if I forget to update a machine 

2) Integrity concerns: although Debian uses signed package lists and hashed 
packages, using a CDN would raise the chances that there might be attack 
vectors by manipulating the traffic. Maybe not be the will of the running 
company, but there are other groups that might have interest and the power to 
intercept traffic and manipulating it. This is, of course, also true to current 
mirror sites, but a centralized CDN will be more convenient to such kind of 

3) Surveillance concerns: together with 1) and 2) goes this one... Using a CDN 
would make it easier to secret services to collect data, because they have a 
single point where they can get all wanted data from instead of monitoring 
several providers and connections. 

4) Dependency concerns: as a project Debian should be as independent as 
possible. Using a CDN provider will create a big dependency to a specific 
company, although we might be able to shift companies from time to time. Using 
multiple CDN providers will mitigate that concern a little bit, but only to a 
certain degree. Having too many CDN providers will be as difficult to handle as 
now the many FTP mirror donators. So, there's some trade-off anyway. 

So, after all my strongest concerns are 1), 2) and 3), of course. I'm not a big 
fan of centralized solutions, but more a great friend of de-centralised ones. 
Having monocultures is always a bad thing and using large CDNs is driving that 
kind of monoculture. Diversity is enrichment and should be chosen whenever 

Ciao...            //      Fon: 0381-2744150
      Ingo       \X/

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