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???? 09/09/2013 11:30 ??, ?/? Martin Zobel-Helas ??????:
> Hi,
> as announced in [0] Faidon and I attended GanetiCon 2013 in Athens 
> on behalf of the Debian Systems Administration Team (DSA). Please
> find below my report on the conference.
> Agenda also all slides of the conference can be found at [1].
> I arrived in Athens on Monday afternoon and joined a Team from
> Google visiting Acropolis and Athens downtown.
> [0] https://lists.debian.org/debian-project/2013/08/msg00065.html 
> [1] https://sites.google.com/site/ganeticon/
> Conference Day 1 ---------------- Day one of the conference (hosted
> by Skrutz) started with an extended workshop on the new and
> upcoming features. Of special interest for the DSA team will be the
> upcoming new features in hroller(1) - like rebooting a cluster in a
> coordinated way- and the possibility of clustering clusters (which
> reduces some administration overhead for the DSA team).
> Also very helpful is the new extStorage feature in Ganeti 2.7, 
> which provides a tighter integration of shared SAN devices to
> Ganeti. This will reduce a lot amount of administration overhead
> for the DSA team at our Bytemark and UBCECE data centres.
> After lunch, Skrutz, Debian (Faidon and I) and OSUOSL gave their
> user experience reports. Skrutz gave a deep insight in moving their
> platforms between datacenters using Ganeti and the challenges they
> experienced. Faidon and I gave an insight talk about the current
> Debian setup and how we moved from libvirt to Ganeti. Lance
> Albertson from OSUOSL showed us the progress of his current version
> of the Ganeti web manager and gave some ideas on how instances
> could get deployed more dynamicly.
> Conference Day 2 ---------------- Day two continued with user
> experience reports. GRNET reported about their own implementation
> of a Ganeti web manager, the "~okeanos Public Cloud Service" and
> the challenges they experienced due to the speed of the Queue and
> RAPI Daemon.
> I took the opportunity that having access the Ganeti developers
> presented to upgrade Ganeti on our clusters[2] from version 2.5 to
> 2.7. During that upgrade, a design bug was detected and reported
> upstream. It has been scheduled to be fixed in the next version.
> While the afternoon was mostly about design discussion regarding
> "Location Awareness in Ganeti", "Ganeti Job Queue Control" and
> improvement in the network management of Ganeti, I took the time to
> file several [3][4][5] enhancement request bugs, and started
> writing a patch for [5].
> [2] http://lists.debian.org/<20130904073922.ga13...@ftbfs.de> [3]
> https://code.google.com/p/ganeti/issues/detail?id=562 [4]
> https://code.google.com/p/ganeti/issues/detail?id=565 [5]
> https://code.google.com/p/ganeti/issues/detail?id=566
> Conference Day 3 ---------------- Day three started with a
> discussion about reducing the need of the "root" user within
> Ganeti. Several suggestions have been made, from using sudo for all
> the calls that need root to chroot'ing the daemons. Also discussed
> was the need to address the need to monitor ganeti nodes but to
> avoid spawning the monitoring processes frequently.
> The second discussion was about Deploying & Managing Instance
> Images and how to improve the status quo. This discussion was quite
> heated and no real solution that suits all needs had been found
> until the lunch break.
> I needed to leave the conference at that point, as I needed to
> catch my flight back to Germany. Skroutz and Google talked about
> "Build System Overhaul and Upgrades" and GRNET about "Disks as
> Independent Entities" after I left.  Maybe Guido Trotter, part of
> the Google Ganeti team, can give us more details about that.
> Conclusion ---------- All in all it was a very successful
> conference, which gave me good insight into Ganeti development.  It
> was helpful to meet all the developers and contributors in person
> and share the all the ideas and thoughts that are floating around.
> I would like to thank everyone who donated to the Debian Project
> and made it possible for me to attend.
> Cheers, Martin -- http://www.crowdrise.com/supportdebian/

I live in North Greece Thessaloniki and here we have the biggest Debian
I'm wondering why was non announcement for that event at all.
Or maybe it is a natural behavor?

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