On Wed, 17 Jul 2013 17:08:55 +0200, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:

> I feel that, as long-time contributors, we often lack a good view of how
> hard new people find it to get involved in Debian. In order to better
> identify blockers or difficulties that prospective contributors face
> when trying to contribute to Debian, I would like to survey new package
> maintainers, 

Nice idea, thanks!

> I started drafting the mail below, and would welcome reviews, comments,
> or additional ideas of questions. I plan to send the survey on 2013-07-19
> 12:00 (UTC).

I might be interesting to learn _how_ they started to contribute /
got their first package uploaded.


Qn: How did you learn to create your first package (e.g. by reading
Lucas' packaging guide, by starting at a teams wiki page, ...) and
how did you get it uploaded (e.g. by joinig a team, by mailing
debian-mentors, ...)? What was helpful during these steps, and what
did you miss?


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