On 09/06/13 at 22:35 +0200, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> Hi,
> The next DPL helpers meeting is next tuesday on #debian-dpl:
> 2013-06-11 Tue 17:00 UTC (date -d @1370970000)
> The agenda is online[1]. If you are listed on one of the pending
> actions, it would be great if you could describe its status, and the
> possible points needing discussion on titanpad (That should allow to be
> more efficient during the meeting).
> Also, feel free to add other points to discuss during the meeting.
> [1] http://titanpad.com/debiandpl-20130611


The meeting happened. agenda and minutes are available at

Next meeting: [2013-06-25 Tue 17:00] (date -d @1372179600) 

Draft agenda: http://titanpad.com/debiandpl-20130625
(copied below, but it might change on titanpad, of course)
#+TITLE: DPL helpers - working agenda
#+DATE:  [2013-06-25 Tue 17:00]

* next meeting
[2013-07-08 Mon 17:00] ? (date -d @1373302800) 

* New topics

* Action items from last meeting (please update status and mention if 
discussion is needed. if not, we will just skip it during the meeting)
** TODO bgupta Follow up with debian.mx, with proposal to allow them to 
continue using domain
** TODO bgupta seek advice from lucas on some debian.* edge cases (via email)
** DONE lucas to request Joe and Richard to be added to trademark@, and clarify 
with them that we will re-evaluate their status in september
** DONE lucas to ask new trademark members about alioth login
** DONE lucas to attend spi meeting on 2013-06-13
** TODO bgupta Help Martin (auditor) draft specs for TO requirements (Martin 
has agreed for help offer)
** DONE lucas to provide background to bgupta on deb(ian)?-multimedia.org
** TODO zack to answer on -cloud@ about general philosophical statements from 
** TODO moray to propose a more detailed process about the teams survey
** TODO moray to initiate work on paths into the project
** TODO Diziet make progress on inbound trademark policy
** TODO paultag do ics automailer
** TODO bgupta to send follow-up post on -project; then request approval for 
spending (via email); then go through the process with SPI+SFLC


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