On Mi, 28 nov 12, 20:25:17, Alexandru Vochescu wrote:
>                 Hi,
>                 I am working at a task at google code-in where i have to
> write about "documentation structure of other projects". I chose to
> write about Debian, because i'm used to Debian (I have Debian Sid). And
> this task also says "plus finding a way of determining the project's
> opinion of their documentation (a docs@ mailinglist might be a good
> start)" , so , can you tell me what's your opinion of Debian
> documentation? ( I would apreciate very much if you can reply me in less
> then a day . That's my deadline for the task). Link to the task:
> http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/view/google/gci2012/7953209 .

You probably should contact debian-doc about this.

Kind regards,
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