Francesca Ciceri <> writes:

> On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 02:56:21PM +0000, Ian Jackson wrote:
> > I think we should make it clear that our aim is that participation
> > in the development of Debian should be equally open to all,
> > discriminating only on the basis of people's ability and the quality
> > of their contributions.
> Makes sense, but it strongly depends on the meaning of "participation
> in the developement of Debian".

Note that Debian is the name of the operating system we're building. The
name of the project is “the Debian Project”.

Sometimes we're sloppy with wording, but it seems we need to be clear in
this document since that sloppiness has already led to a
misunderstanding of what is meant.

> IMO Debian became in the last years something more than an
> operating system, and - as consequence - the "development of Debian"
> does no longer mean only packaging (or other code-related activity).
> Basically anyone can "make a valuable contribution to" Debian.

So here, I think you'd be best referring specifically to the project,
since you no longer mean specifically Debian (which is an operating

 \       “You can never entirely stop being what you once were. That's |
  `\   why it's important to be the right person today, and not put it |
_o__)                                 off until tomorrow.” —Larry Wall |
Ben Finney

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