On Thu, 19 Jan 2012 12:29:29 -0800, Russ Allbery wrote:

> > I'd rather add a disclaimer/preface at the beginning that says in BIG
> > FRIENDLY LETTERS that DEP5 is only about formatting and doesn't change
> > any requirements (which are [or should be] spelt out in policy).
> It turns out that there's already something there at the start:

I knew there mus be something like that, thanks for digging it out!
>     This is not a proposal to change the policy in the short term. In
>     particular, nothing in this proposal supersedes or modifies any of the
>     requirements specified in Debian Policy regarding the appropriate
>     detail or granularity to use when documenting copyright and license
>     status in debian/copyright.
> but I don't think people have read that as saying what we're trying to say
> above, although I believe that's the intention.  Maybe because it
> conflates two things: a change in Policy, and not requiring additional
> information.

Ack, the first sentence is talking about something else than the

It migh be clearer to leave it out and start with "Nothing in ..."
or rephrase it a bit:

    This proposal does not modify any of the requirements specified
    in Debian Policy regarding the appropriate detail or granularity
    to use when documenting copyright and license status in
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